Go Ahead- Be Bold–Wax Those Brows!

So you’ve heard about brow waxing? Go ahead, you’ll be glad you tidied yourself up! What to expect: the beautician will ask do you want a low, medium, or high arch? Beware the “high” one, it looks old-fashioned and you will look surprised 24/7. You can look up images ahead of time. There is also one called a “boy brow” which means straight across. She will warm up the wax and then apply it with a wooden stick. Next, they apply a gauze pad/strip and smooth it. Then they will quickly remove it like a band-aid, against the hair growth (think outside to inside). Next, she will pluck stray hairs with her tweezers and remove excess wax with a cleaner

Don’t try to out dress your girlfriends

Ladies– perhaps you have just begun your first office job.  Dress neatly and in a conservative fashion.  This also means:  hair, nails, and makeup.  You will have to build an office wardrobe.  It will take time, but choose quality clothing and shoes.  Don’t go overboard with the $250 purses and $80 shoes.  I know it is a long way away, but begin planning your career and socking away money.  Don’t try to compete with the company fashion plates.  I worked with a woman who was a very sharp dresser.  She had many pretty clothes, actually more than she needed.  She admitted to me one day that she had zero money in the bank.  Don’t you think this was a bit sad?  I do!3A_MIMI

Pee Wee- how to save $$ on vehicles

Folks, this is the top money saving tip I can give you–buy Toyota or Nissan vehicles.  This will save you thousands over the years.  Yes, they will cost more at purchase.  But you will keep them for many years.  My ’02 Nissan Xterra has 125,000 miles & the ’03 Toyota Tacoma has 100,176.  We have bought Fords and Pontiacs in the past.  But once we bought the first Toyota we were hooked. If you are wealthy, go ahead & buy a luxury car.  But if you are middle class, aim for Toyota or Nissa.  Trust me. We are believers.

Pee Wee says measure, don’t waste!

Today I had my washing machine filled and was ready to add the HE liquid soap.  I forgot, tipped the bottle over the tub and too much poured out.  It was probably double or even a bit more than I needed.  HE soap is more expensive than older brands and some newer models of washers requite it.  I knew this brand was more watery than others.  Lesson learned:  I just wasted quite a bit.  In the future remember to use the measuring cap.  I learned the same thing with another product:  Bionene (mouth rinse).

lightning strike!

This is my first posting in a  long time.  Guess I haven’t had a lot to say!  Wordpress notified me that my password was compromised somehow, not really hacked, but I still was asked to reset it.  In July we had a lightning strike on our property.  We were both outside on the cement porch.  There were 3 booms of thunder, than a horribly bright flash of lightening plus the deafening roar.  I was so scared my left leg was temporarily paralyzed!  Two weeks later I was talking to two RN’s that I know and they said I may have been mildly shocked by the lightning!  That made me feel so strange, to think I was that close too being fried!  They asked was I wearing shoes or standing in water.  (yes to the first and no to the second).  We had just left our vehicle and hopped quickly onto the porch, so we got a few rain sprinkles on us.    I am thankful to be a Christian, and know my Lord is always looking out for me.  Still, this was a real wakeup call to how  close we are to meeting our heavenly Maker! I’ll be paying a lot more attention to lightning from now on!

Color Of The Flame

up for sale 11-1-16 at Solstice Publishing and Amazon!

Isn’t life strange.   Lilith looked back at her house getting smaller in the rear view mirror.  It was only five years ago when she and Trey lived in free migrant housing on the blueberry farm.  It was plain but warm enough in the Michigan winters.  It was a perk as a maid.  Yet when Ernie’s wife died, he married her and she moved into the big house.  Then Ernie died and the house and farm became hers.  She never knew she’d own a fruit farm; the work was hard but rewarding.   But bills and taxes can add up quickly.  Too quickly for a widow woman.

Snowfall’ s Secret

I am posting a fair review for reading an ARC of a new book, Snowfall’s Secret by Natalie Silk.  It’s not up for sale yet, but will be shortly on Solstice Publishing. Ms. Silk wrote a very interesting YA- Sci Fi book about a very strange girl that a family finds and takes in to protect her until they find her real family.  It was such an unusual book, I read it in one evening!  I hope Natalie writes more books like this!